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Zoning Minutes 1-2-2007
Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
Meeting Minutes

Date: January 2, 2007

Present: Sarto Caron, Chairperson
Don Beal, Scribe
Ron Seaburg, Secretary
Todd Mayo, Guest

The meeting commenced at 7:00 PM  The minutes of December 19, 2006 were read and accepted.

7:10 PM Special Permit Request
William and Lorraine Cromack
32 Lakeshore Drive
Mailing Address: 20 Tunxis Village, Farmington, CT 06032
Home Phone 860-674-8590

The Cromacks want to demolish the existing structure at 34 Lakeshore Drive, (R24/C/09, Book 11349, Page 211), and combine lots 32 and 34 Lakeshore Drive. They want to add an attached two-car garage onto the house at 32 Lakeshore Drive.

Abutters in attendance were: Tony Benedetto, Jeffrey Koones, Michael and Marie Colavecchio, and Tim Geraghty, friend of the Romanos.

The Cromacks explained the plans that they submitted to the Board. Mr. Koones expressed concern for potential loss of lake view due to the height of the addition. Ms Colavecchio was concerned about the size of the house after completion. Mr. Benedetto spoke in favor of the project. The Cromacks presented a document supporting the project signed by 10 neighbors.

A site visitation was scheduled for January 4, at 10AM. A continuance was scheduled for January 16, at 7:30 PM.

8:00PM Special Permit Request
David and Terry Walker
85 Sandy Beach Road
Mailing Address: 6E Spring Court, Broad Brook, CT 06016
Home Phone 860-623-6380~~ Cell Phone 860-489-1132

The Walkers want permission to demolish the seasonal house at 85 Sandy Beach Road and build a year-round home. They request approval to build-up two floors plus full basement.

Abutters in attendance were Laurie Dillon 87 Sandy Beach Road, and Dave and Laurie Allen 15 Evelyn Drive. The Allens were concerned about the height of the proposed structure. They presented photographs showing loss of lake view from their property based on photographs taken at three different height levels.

A site visitation was scheduled for January 4, at 10:30 AM. A continuance was scheduled for January 16, at 8 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM

CC; Building Inspector, Executive Secretary, Town Clerk, ZBA Files, HCC

Submitted by,
Ronald Seaburg, Secretary